Selasa, 01 September 2009



Full Name : Ahmad Rizky Mardhatillah Umar

Nick Name : Rizky

Place & Date of Birth : Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan), January 25th, 1990.

Address : Jl. H. Hasan Basri Komplek Kejaksaan RT. 18 No. 19 Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia 70124 (Banjarmasin)

Jl. Rajawali No. 30, Catur Tunggal, Depok Sleman, DIY, Indonesia (Yogyakarta)


  • Gadjah Mada University, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Department of International Relations Studies, Bachelor Degree (2008-Present)

  • SMA Negeri 1 Banjarmasin, Senior High School Degree (2005-2008)

  • SLTP Negeri 2 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan , Junior High School Degree (2002-2005)

  • SD Muhammadiyah 8, Banjarmasin, Elementary School (1996-2002)

  • TK Aisyiah Busthanul Atfal 24, Banjarmasin, Kindergarten, (1994-1996)


  • OSIS SMP Negeri 2 Banjarmasin, Student Organization of Intra-School Activities on Junior High School Degree, As Chairman, 2003-2004

  • MPK SMAN 1 Banjarmasin, Assembly of Class Representative on Senior High School Degree, As Chairman, 2006-2007.

  • KSI SMAN 1 Banjarmasin, Student Group of Islamic Studies, an organization which focuses on Islamic Studies and islamic education in Senior High School Degree, as Staff on Bulletin Division (2005-2008).

  • Angkatan Muda Masjid Al-Jihad (Youth Generation of Masjid Al-Jihad), A religious organization which shares youth islamic activities and education, as Vice Chairman, 2008-2010 (non-active since mid-2008)

  • Iqro’ Club Banjarmasin, An organization which provide Islamic mentoring assistance for High School Student and religious education for youth, as Staff of Education and Training Division, 2006-2008.

  • Moslem.Teen Community, Organization under Iqro’ Club Banjarmasin which provide religious activities for moslem youth in Banjarmasin, as Chairman, 2008.

  • Lembaga Perlindungan Anak (Institution for Child Protection), An organization which shares responsibility and care with children protection, as Volunteer (2003–2004)

  • SP2MP (Sahabat Percepatan Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran), Organization which provide leadership, organizational and self motivation training. Organized by PPKB Due-Like GMU, as Member (2009-present)

  • Pemuda Muhammadiyah Cabang Banjarmasin 4, autonomous organization of Muhammadiyah, the 2nd biggest Islamic Organization in Indonesia which provide social and religious activities, as member of Branch (2007-2008)

  • BEM KM UGM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Keluarga Mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada), Gadjah Mada University Student Executive Board, as Assistant Deputy of Minister of Strategic Studies and Intelligency, 2008-present.

  • Gama Cendekia, Students Activities Unit on Interdisciplinary Research and Studies, Gadjah Mada University, (2008-present)

  • JMF (Jama’ah Muslim Fisipol), Association of Social and Political Science Faculty’s Muslim Students, Gadjah Mada University, Head Division of Intellectual Capacity Development, Bureau of JMF School (2008-present)

  • KOMAHI (International Relations Student Corps, Gadjah Mada University), As Editor-in-Chief for AIRPORT Mothly Bulletin, 2009-present.

  • Study Group on East Asian Issues, International Relations Department, GMU, As member (2009-present)

  • Forum Lingkar Pena, Yogyakarta Region, an Organization which focuses on Writer’s Community and Writing Skill Development, as Blog Coordinator in Media Division, Department of Networks (2008-present).


  • Arabic Language Course in CILACS UII, Yogyakarta (2009)

  • English Conversation Class (Advanced Class) in LIA Yogyakarta (2004 – 2007)

  • TOEFL Preparation Class in LIA Banjarmasin (2007)


  • Best Participant on Olympiad of Social Sciences (OIS) in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (2007)

  • 1st winner prize in Annual Essay Competition 2008, category of English, held by Directorate of Student’s Service, Gadjah Mada University (2008)

  • 2nd winner prize for Social Research, National Youth Scientific Camp (PIRNAS) in Jepara, Central Java Province, held by Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI), 2007.

  • 3rd winner prize in Essay Competition about National Corporation of Electricity (PLN) regional South and Central Kalimantan, 2007.

  • 1st winner prize in Essay Competition about Political Islam in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lambung Mangkurat University (2006).

  • As UGM’s representative in 7th Indonesian Youth Forum (FIM VIII), Jakarta, May 2009.

  • As South Kalimantan’s representative in Congress of Indonesian Children (KAI), held by National Commission on Children Protection (Komnas Perlindungan Anak), February 13th – February 17h, 2004.


  • BOOK

Kritiklah dengan Tulisanmu” in Ersis Warmansyah Abbas (ed.) Menulis Mudah, dari Babu sampai Pak Dosen (Yogyakarta: Gama Media, 2008). ISBN 978-979-1104-15-9

- ARTICLES (Since 2008-present)

    1. Rindu Damai di Tanah Kaukasus. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 16th, 2008.

    2. Implikasi Politik Aliran Dana BI (Kasus Paskah Suzetta-MS Kaban). Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 18th, 2008.

    3. Washington Consensus dan Ekonomi Destruktif. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 26th, 2008.

    4. Menyikapi Gerakan Separatis. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 28th and 29th, 2008.

    5. Mungkinkah Menyatukan Parpol Islam? Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, September 9th, 2008.

    6. Mari Mengawal Privatisasi BUMN. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, September 25th, 2008.

    7. Mudik, Politik, dan Kesadaran Kita. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, October 4th, 2008.

    8. Budaya Bisu, Kritik, dan Perlawanan. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, October 14th and 15th, 2008.

    9. Reformasi Perspektif Islam. Article published on Serambi Ummah, October 17th, 2008.

    10. Mahasiswa sebagai Pilar Kelima Demokrasi. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, November 1st, 2008.

    11. Reformasi PBB, Mungkinkah? Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, December 24th, 2008.

    12. Pemilu 2009, Demokrasi, dan Pancasila. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, December 29th, 2008.

    13. Palestina dan Politik Luar Negeri RI. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, January 7th, 2009.

    14. Langgar Hukum Internasional. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, January 13th, 2009.

    15. Jangan Berharap Banyak. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, January 19th, 2009.

    16. Obama dan Israel: Sebuah Perubahan? Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, January 29th, 2009.

    17. Mencari Legitimasi Politik di Gaza. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, February 1st and 2nd, 2009.

    18. Menyambut Hillary Clinton. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, February 21st, 2009.

    19. Erdogan, Davos, dan Gaza. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, February 23rd, 2009.

    20. Tentang Pemilu dan Kesejahteraan. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, April 16th and 17th, 2009.

    21. Presiden RI 2009 dan Palestina. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, May 13th, 2009.

    22. Islamophobia dan Muslim (Potret “Benturan Peradaban”?) Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, May 15th, 2009.

    23. Absahkah Hasil Pemilu 2009? (Mencermati Problem DPT dan Partisipasi Politik) Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, May 20th, 2009.

    24. Sinyal Pendidikan Koruptif? Article published on Republika, June 20th, 2009.

    25. Belajar dari Konflik Pemilu Iran. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, July 8th, 2009.

    26. Kursi Kabinet dan Fatsoen Politik. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, July 17th, 2009.

    27. Terorisme dan Sinyal “Politik Ketakutan”. Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, July 24th, 2009.

    28. Teror Bom dan Politik Ketakutan. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, July 27th, 2009.

    29. Demokrasi vis-a-vis Putusan MA. on Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 3rd, 2009.

    30. Terorisme atau Korupsi? Article published on Radar Banjarmasin, August 13th, 2009.

    31. Penting Korupsi atau Terorisme? Article published on Banjarmasin Post, August 15th, 2009.

    32. Benahi Pendidikan. Article published on Banjarmasin Post, August 17th, 2009.


- Indonesian (mother tongue)

- Banjarese (local language, as second language)

- English (active)

- Arabic (elementary level)