Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Palestina’s Future: Peace or Freedom ?

Rethinking The Prospect of Peace Roadmap in Palestina

Conflict in Palestina has been entering a new phase. Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestina, had been scheduled to had a diplomatic meeting with Israel in Annapolis, USA, to discuss the declaration of Palestina Nation-State. United States of America reported to became the mediator of the meeting. Condoleeza Rice, USA minister of foreign affairs, came to Israel several times to prepare the conference. Although the political situation in Gaza and West Bank is still unexpectable right now, the diplomatical conference is persistently held in Annapolis. Indonesia has reported to join this conference.

We all know that the political condition in Palestina is now getting worse and worse. After Hamas (Harakah Al-Muqawwamah Al-Islamiyyah) won the democratical general election on 2006, there are some displeasures from their competitior, Fatah (led by President Mahmud Abbas). Fatah tends to be an opposition for Hamas in parliament and cabinet. This conflict is getting worse after Israel and USA, Fatah’s allies, regard Hamas as “terrorist organization” and recently helped Fatah in “assembling” conflict with Hamas.

This stigmatization often make the situation hot. The climax, President Mahmoud Abbas disbanded the parliament and control Palestina by his own hand. This policy ignited displeasure from Hamas and the conflict became bigger. Gaza Stripe finally controlled by Hamas militia and forced Abbas to get out from Gaza. USA and Israel, Abbas’ allies, critized this situation and started political embargo to Palestina.

In writer’s opinion, conflict in Palestina can be stopped if Fatah recognize Hamas as a legal controller. This assumption is taken with a consideration that Hamas won the election years ago, and they have many legislators in parliament. In Ismail Haniyah’s hands, Palestina actually could wake up from its long sleep. Democratization also established with the majority voice from Palestina’s people.

Thus, I think there are no reason for Mahmoud Abbas to disband parliament, moreover confronting Hamas with military attack. That policy show the “betrayal” of demoracy substances in Palestina and essentially strengthen Fatah regime. This situation, according to Sorensen (2003), called as “frozen democracy”. This kind of democracy is indicated by social and political consolidation which never gain solidity and pretend to be deceited (Sorensen, 2003)[1].

How is the prospect of next diplomatical meeting between Israel and Palestina? There are two crucial points which are very important in Palestina-Israel relationship’s future.

Firstly, Israel’s policy in the endless conflict often making a new problem. Israel is still order military corps to attack, sweep, and close Palestina’s territorial border, even after Hamas control Gaza Stripe. It implies a political blockade, which is reflect the Israel’s contravention of human rights by isolating a nation from food and medicine. It also indicates that Israel still wants to intervene Palestina’s internal problem.

Secondly, reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas is very important to be done. There should be a coalition government built by Fatah and Hamas. Indeed, this step is very hard to be implemented because of ideological factor –Hamas carry Islam platform while Fatah in nationalist side. Nevertheless, there should be an intention to reconciliate by holding a political meeting to discuss Gaza’s fate in the future. I believe, Hamas can weaken their domination if Fatah agree to become a political partner to Hamas in state’s development. This is very important to recreate Peace and hold the freedom of Palestina.

As a conclusion, I can say that peace in Middle East can be created if there is a commitment to made it. A diplomatical conference could be a good beginning, and it should be continued by two nations. As an addition, there should not be any intervention from Western states in this regional conflict. Any intervention can make the conflict bigger in the future.

Last, there is a homework for Mahmoud Abbas to show the world that he and his Fatah movement can build a peaceful country of Palestina without disturbing his “competitor”, Hamas. Ukhuwah Islamiyah should be kept by all Palestinian leaders.

What do you think, anyway?

[1] Look at Mahfudz Sidiq, KAMMI dan Pergulatan Reformasi: Kiprah Politik Aktivis Dakwah Kampus dalam Perjuangan Demokratisasi di Tengah Krisis Nasional Multidimensi. Solo: Era Intermedia, 2003. p. 43.

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